
Blog | DMS 4.0 in the starting blocks

It's time again to give an update on the developments regarding DMS. There is a lot of coordination between Customs and the business community from the various (ODB) working groups. The frequency has been increased and communication with the declarants is being intensified.

A survey was recently sent out by Customs to (GPA) declarants to gain more insight into the planning and preparation of the business community. This is an extensive questionnaire, in which you as declarant reflect the expectations towards Customs with regard to the migration to DMS. Don't put off collecting and recording information too long to manage the deadline.

Start of DMS 4.0

My previous blogs mainly focused on possible scenarios, specifications, preparation, planning and challenges. This is still the case for a large number of declarants, especially for declarants who will be working with DMS 4.1. However, we are now getting closer to the start of DMS 4.0 and that means that actually the first declarants will be transferring in the short term.

A test environment has been set up for the software developers. The first group of companies will be connected in DMS 4.0 until the summer. These are mainly companies that only provide (AGS) import and storage. To this end, a pilot will be set up with two of these companies in the short term, after which this group of declarants will be transferred. Customs coordinates the transition with the business community.

From the end of the summer, the declarants related to (AGS) exports will be transferred to DMS 4.0. This process will continue until the end of the year. Here too, agreements are made with the individual companies for this migration. In the meantime, declarants, Customs, software suppliers and external service providers (such as project supervisors, consultants and implementation partners) are preparing to migrate from GPA to DMS 4.1.

There is scope for declarants who have to deal with multiple declaration processes (AGS Import, AGS Export, GPA). These declarants can transfer to DMS in one go. So if you are a GPA declarant, you may start Import and Export at a later date (2023) in consultation with Customs, so that you do not have to (continue to) work in different systems.

Audit file Inventory

On April 14, Dutch Customs organized a Webinar for the introduction of the Audit File (Dutch). During this webinar it became clear that more than 65% is not or hardly known with regard to the audit file. While a large part of the GPA declarants want to make use of the chain arrangement and must implement an audit file based on that choice. The audit file inventory will replace the inventory part of the current GPA declaration an DMS 4.1 will replace, the declaration part of the GPA declaration.

The audit file inventory comes from an ISO standard (21378) and is set up quite extensively. 26 tables are included in the specifications. With the current adjustments, it remains a Dutch (local)edition. The current planning is aimed at having the audit file put into use as of 1-1-2023 and can run parallel to the implementation of DMS 4.1. Probably companies don’t have to submit the audit file every month, but should keep it available for audits and investigations (cyclical or periodic monitoring). How the audit file is ultimately delivered to Customs has not yet been defined. It is important to structurally perform the correct validations on the audit file inventory, so that there are no surprises when the file is requested to send.

It also became clear that structural analysis and monitoring of data (such as probability and consistency) from the declarant is becoming increasingly important in order to provide proof of the compliance level of the declarant on the basis of the AEO guidelines towards Customs.

Keep your DMS migration in control with Pincvision

Pincvision already has a data monitoring process available and integrates the upcoming DMS processes into it, so customer dashboards are up to date and together we ensure that you remain in control! Would you first like to know what impact the transition to DMS has on your current processes? Then let us perform our DMS Scan, then you know exactly where you stand. Of course we can help you make the migration as smooth as possible.

Have you become interested? Please contact me, Peter Italiaander, Sr. Business Development & Customs Manager, for an appointment without obligations via p.italiaander@pincvision.com or +31(0)6-83216125.

28 Apr 2022 at 11:15 am
4 min
Published by:
Peter Italiaander
Head of Customs & Trade Affairs
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