Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR)

If your company puts products on the European market, you will be faced with various environmental obligations. Pincvision can take over your extended producer responsibility obligations. Going green and operating more sustainable is becoming increasingly important for your business!

Obligatory producer responsibility

(for WEEE Directive 2012/19/EU, Battery Regulation(EU) 2023/1542 and for EU Packaging Directive 94/62/EC)

Environmental obligations are set following the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) principle. This principle holds producers of electrical and electronic equipment (EEE), batteries or packaging responsible for collecting and recycling waste products and materials. Consequently Extended Producer Responsibility brings significant responsibilities, both administrative, financial and physical for the treatment and disposal of your products because eventually they will reach end-of-life.

Voluntary producer responsibility

In many cases, foreign companies opt for taking over the Extended Producer Responsibilities of local resellers or distributors. The choice to relieve local parties from their obligations may prove of strategic importance for your brand because only by doing so, you can make absolutely sure that all required reporting is done properly. Leaving this important task with resellers or distributors of your products makes it virtually impossible to monitor this process let alone ensure compliance.

Centralized and Outsourced solution

Management of environmental responsibilities and associated reporting obligations by Pincvision are organized in a centralized manner. Our team of legal experts and data analysts manages your compliance requirements and handles all reporting data for you. We make sure that you comply with both legal and data requirements and manage reporting deadlines of national authorities and compliance schemes anywhere for your organization. As part of our service we answer all declaration-related questions from the various Member States authorities on behalf of your organization. Managed and taken care of, all the way!

Our WEEE, Battery and Packaging waste reporting services

Pincvision offers comprehensive environmental reporting services to provide an efficient and compliant, outsourced solution that lets you compliantly meet all Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) obligations set by European Directives for WEEE, Batteries and Packaging. Click on one of the services below to read more specific information.

Pincvision takes over the administrative burden of your environmental declarations, globally.

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Let's get in touch!

Would you like to learn more about our approach to managing your Extended Producer Responsibility? Let's connect.
Our team is here to support you. Fill in the form, and we will reach out to you soon!

  • Pincvision Headquarter
  • Terborgseweg 102
  • 7005 BC Doetinchem
  • The Netherlands
  • Pincvision UK Ltd.
  • Unit 5 Lancaster Way
  • Biggleswade
  • SG18 8YL London
  • United Kingdom
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Meet our Environmental team
Joris te Pas
Joris te Pas
Environmental Compliance Specialist
Leander Heuvels
Leander Heuvels
Environmental Compliance Analyst
Nienske Pagen
Nienske Pagen
Environmental Specialist
Some satisfied customers who make use of our Environmental service
Find out more about our RegTech solution 'DEVI (Declarations for Environmental, VAT & Intrastat)'.