SAF-T declarations

A Standard Audit File for Tax (SAF-T) is the collective name for an international data standard for the periodic exchange of VAT transaction data from companies to the local authorities. The word 'standard' suggests that the structure is almost the same for every country. But unfortunately that is not (yet) the case. Where the required data initially shows a lot of similarity, countries often have in-depth and divergent requirements that only become clear in the details.

What must be reported with a SAF-T declaration?

The format of mandatory periodic SAF-T for VAT reporting is complex and detailed. The declaration is divided into several chapters. Each chapter contains several subsections, which are then subdivided into even smaller sections. The result? An extremely detailed report with (sometimes hundreds of) fields that must be generated every month. You must then report this within the set deadline of each country. Or must be delivered on request during an audit.

All data fields must be converted into an XML structure readable by the local tax authority. Please keep in mind that changes are made regularly. Not only in local legislation and regulations, but also upcoming changes in SAF-T obligations. Make sure you are (and remain) informed, to be able to make these changes to your reporting process. Due to the enormous complexity, close cooperation between the IT and fiscal departments is no longer a luxury, but an absolute requirement.

Let Pincvision take care of your SAF-T completely

These complex declarations require specialist and practical knowledge. This way you prevent errors and fines and you can be sure that your internal processes are in order. A must for your VAT processes. Pincvision has developed a smart, flexible RegTech solution for you, called 'DEVI'.

  • Smart, because we have integrated our in-depth knowledge of legislation into our automated solutions and additional services.
  • Flexible, because DEVI is built in such a way that we can quickly respond to changes in legislation, regulations and/or data requirements.

In DEVI we have recorded thousands of business rules and all data mapping has been drawn up with different tax authorities. This way we can seamlessly take care of all your SAF-T and other VAT returns within the EU. You therefore only need one partner for all the different obligations: Pincvision.

What do you need to do for this?

Nothing complicated. You provide us with your financial transaction data periodically (based on the obligation in the country, usually monthly) in your already available (ERP) data format. We will make sure that this connects to our system. This eliminates the need for time-consuming IT efforts on your side. Our people and systems then do the rest. They run the relevant compliance checks, supplement data where necessary, and convert all data into the required format. They then file the return to the tax authorities on your behalf.

Would you like us to help you with your SAF-T and other VAT obligations?

Let's get in touch! This way you immediately know what we can do for your organization. Just fill out the contact form at the bottom of this page and we will contact you!

More info about SAF-T declarations in Norway, Poland, Portugal and Romania

From January 1, 2022, the two-monthly Norwegian VAT return has been replaced by a SAF-T. All companies must submit this declaration electronically through the SAF-T system (ID-porten online), the deadline is based on the current deadlines, i.e. bimonthly or annually). This is a different SAF-T than the existing SAF-T financial. The required information is still quite high-level, transaction-level details will be required by 2024.


Since October 1, 2020, all Polish companies are required to submit their VAT returns electronically through a SAF-T. This is done using the SAF-T JPK_VAT* file. The Polish JPK_VAT files contain financial transaction data. A specific layout has been established for this, which must be submitted electronically in a standard XML format.

There are 2 JPK_VAT variants:

  • JPK_V7 M – for taxpayers who pay VAT on a monthly basis and
  • JPK_V7 K – for taxpayers who pay VAT on a quarterly basis.

* JPK is the abbreviation for Uniform Control File: a collection of data from the IT systems of a business entity, over a certain period of time.

>> Read more about SAF-T Poland


Portugal was the first country to introduce the SAF-T for companies based in Portugal. Since 2020 the SAF-T has become mandatory for all taxpayers who pay corporate income tax (IRC).

From January 2023 Portuguese invoices must be produced by certified invoicing software
that can allocate a unique ATCUD code. This single document code (ATCUD) has to be on all fiscally relevant invoices and documents. Paper or pdf invoices must include a QR code. Since this introduction, the billing SAF-T is now also mandatory for non-resident businesses registered for VAT in Portugal. Businesses who are subject to the invoice rules in Portuguese territory and who carry out operations subject to VAT in Portugal, are obliged to send the Portuguese Tax Authority (AT), through the electronic transmission of data, the elements of the invoices issued under the terms of the VAT Code, as well as the elements of the documents that allow for the checking of goods or the provision of services, receipts, credit notes, pro-forma invoices. The Billing SAF-T must be submitted until the 8th day of the month following their issuance.

Portugal’s Autoridade Tributária e Aduaneira (AT), in addition to the existing Invoice SAF-T PT requirements, will also introduce a mandatory Accounting SAF-T. This will be introduced as from the 1st of January 2024 for resident businesses. The Accounting SAF-T is currently only required on-demand. This accounting SAF-T will consist of supplier and customer details, payment details and GL transactional data.

From January 1, 2022 (large companies) and January 1, 2023 (medium-sized companies), Romania will introduce a mandatory SAF-T reporting (D406 VAT form) for all Romanian and foreign companies with a Romanian VAT registration number. Non-resident companies registered for VAT purposes have the obligation to prepare and submit the 'D406 information declaration' in simplified form.

The reporting frequency is based on the current applicable VAT rules. For most taxpayers, this is monthly. The Romanian D406 is considered very complex. It is important that you submit this declaration correctly and on time, otherwise you risk a fine of up to 5,000 Romanian Leu (RON).

Romania mandatory B2B e-invoicing for fiscally high-risk products
On January 6, 2022, the ANAF* published order N0. 12/2022 which imposes on taxable person the obligation on taxable persons active in Romania to electronically invoice supplies of ‘fiscally high-risk products’ through the RO e-Invoice system.

In the Annex the ANAF included a list of products that fall into this category and includes for each a justification for its high-risk classification. See below a summary of the contentious high-risk products that fall within the scope.

  1. Vegetables, fruits, roots, edible tubers, and other plants.
  2. Alcoholic beverages.
  3. New constructions, and constructions with subsequent amendments and completions.
  4. Mineral products, sands, gravel, and pebbles. Including mineral water and carbonated water.
  5. Various types of clothing, shoes, and other footwear.

Does your company sell products in these categories in Romania? Contact us to see if this mandatory B2B e-Invoicing obligation is applicable to your business.

* The implementation of the SAF-T system is initiated by the National Tax Agency (ANAF).

>> Click for more details about SAF-T Romania

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