For each EU Member State the thresholds and deadlines for arrival and dispatches of goods in Intrastat may differ.
Our specialists are always fully up to date about the most recent thresholds and deadlines for Intrastat declarations for all EU Member States and the United Kingdom. To make it easier for you, they made an overview of these thresholds and deadlines for all EU Member States for 2022. This overview is verified by all statistical offices of the Member States themselves. So don't wait any longer. Download the whitepaper containing the most recent Intrastat thresholds and deadlines at the bottom of this page.
Of course, this overview helps you with submitting your Intrastat declarations. However, if you would like to be sure that you will be compliant to all the Intrastat obligations, you can also outsource this process to Pincvision's Intrastat team. Our specialists are happy to take over your entire process which means more valuable time for your core business!