The European Commission (EC) has given Cyprus advice on how to deal with the current waste management situation. The current waste management plan of the country has not been revised in the last years, whilst it should be revised every six years, according to European legislation. Cyprus also lags behind regarding waste prevention. After a letter from the EC in October 2015, they did take some measures for domestic waste, however, not for other waste streams. Cyprus has two months to take further action before the EC may refer the case to the European Court of Justice.
In 2013, Cyprus had to justify themselves before the Court. This time about the implementation of the directive ‘Renewable Energy’. Moreover, earlier this year the European Commission appointed the country as one of the Member States that has difficulties with the European targets for waste management.
Until now, this could only affect Cyprus as a country and not the companies related to Cyprus. We will provide you with updates on this matter when this situation changes.
Source: Afval Online