U.S. State-Level EPR Developments:
The United states of America are releasing EPR regulations for batteries and packaging expeditiously. At the moment of writing, seventeen legislations are in development of which 5 have received an implementation date.
Instead of releasing one nationwide legislation, each State implements and releases its own battery and packaging legislations independently. The majority of these legislations base the obligated producer definition on brand ownership, meaning the owner of brand stated on the product or packaging, or the licensee is generally seen as the producer. Nevertheless, the exact obligations depend on the specific producer definition which can differ per state.
Canada has also seen an increase in new and updated legislations in recent months. Where the EPR on Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment has been in place for several years, the developments on battery and packaging are significant.
Similarly to the USA, Canadian legislation is released and implemented per province, resulting in slight differences in obligations or reporting scope. Correspondingly to the USA, obligations are often placed on the brand owner.
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Source: Resource Recycling
Roos Mijnen
Environmental Compliance Specialist