Portable industrial batteries and accumulators
For portable industrial batteries and accumulators Recser Oy uses the following definition:
“A portable industrial battery or accumulator refers to an industrial battery or accumulator, within the meaning of the Government Decree on batteries and accumulators (Government Decree 520/2014, section 2, subsection 1, paragraph 7), that can be carried manually with ease. Industrial batteries and accumulators include batteries and accumulators designed exclusively for industrial or professional use as well as batteries and accumulators used in electric vehicles that are sold to consumers.
This means that portable industrial accumulators include accumulators used in electric modes of transport, such as electric bikes, among other things.”
Portable lithium batteries and accumulators
For portable lithium batteries and accumulators Recser Oy uses the following definition:
“A portable lithium automotive battery or accumulator refers to a lithium-based automotive battery or accumulator, within the meaning of the Government Decree on batteries and accumulators (Government Decree 520/2014, section 2, subsection 1, paragraph 6), that is sealed and can be carried manually with ease. Portable automotive batteries or accumulators are used in motorcycles, ATVs, scooters, mopeds and lawnmowers, among other things.”
Compliance costs
For current contract producers of Recser Oy, the additional registration fee for portable industrial and lithium automotive accumulators is €200, and the recycling fee will be €0.45/kg from 1 January 2020 onwards. Portable industrial and lithium automotive accumulators will be reported to Recser Oy by using the same electronic reporting system that is used for other portable batteries and accumulators.
Do you wonder if your company has to register for environmental compliance, within the EU or elsewhere? Do not hesitate to give us a call at +31(0)88-4321800 or send an e-mail to info@pincvision.com
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