Deposit Return System (DRS)
On the first of July 2021, a deposit on small plastic bottles will be introduced. State Secretary Stientje van Veldhoven has agreed this with the packaging industry. Per bottle (<1 liter) a 15 cent deposit will be charged. For large bottles (> 1 liter) it remains 25 cents.
You can hand the bottles in at supermarkets, at train stations, at roadside petrol stations and via caterers. This measure should lead to much less plastic litter. Producers of soft drink and water bottles are responsible for introducing the deposit system. Hospitality and small businesses are exempt from the obligation to collect small plastic bottles.
Goal to reduce plastic bottles in the environment
Agreements were already made in 2018 with the business community and the VNG to reduce the number of small plastic bottles that end up in the environment by 70-90%. If this was not achieved, a deposit would be introduced. That is now the case. By introducing deposits on small plastic bottles, van Veldhoven wants to keep the plastic bottles out of our environment. Every year, about 900 million small plastic bottles are sold, about 100 million of which end up in the environment. It is estimated that 90% of the plastic bottles, both small and large, are returned with this deposit system.
Importance of complying with Environmental legislation
Are you a producer of, for example, soft drinks (and plastic bottles) and would you like to know whether you comply with the legislation on packaging? On our industry page 'Food and beverage' you can read more about the obligations you have to take into account as a company in e.g. the soft drinks industry.
We will keep you informed about the development regarding environmental obligations and enforcement, or completely other topics as for example the new Deposit and Return System that the Netherlands will introduce. Keep an eye on our website for the latest updates or subscribe to our monthly newsletter!
Source: Rijksoverheid