Guest speakers were Drs. Patricia Smeets - Reijen, Willem de Jong of CBS (Central Bureau of Statistics). From a CBS perspective attendees were informed about the European developments of International Trade and Goods and the impact it will have on organisations.
Thijs Kienstra and Daniëlle van der Meulen of Pincvision shared changes and future developments in Intrastat & VAT compliance. With practical cases they explained how to organize this processes, and which exceptions should be taken into account. It was great to see the active participation of all guests and to see that they shared thoughts & experiences. Afterwards there was time for business networking during a delicious diner buffet.
We look back at a successful event and are pleased with the reviews given by the participants.
"Very useful, great addition to an already valuable partner!"
If you have any questions or if you would like to talk personally with one of Pincvision’s specialists on Intrastat and VAT please let us know by sending an email to Gert-Jan van Telgen, Director Business Development Manager.