The United Kingdom is proposing a new Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) regulation, which will influence the regulations regarding the obligations. This change is implemented to make obligated producers responsible for the total full net cost, which is currently not the case.
With the new ERP regulations, 5 aspects are to be achieved:
- The polluter pays principle
In the new regulation, it is meant that one organization active in a supply chain will be held responsible for the full cost generated in that chain. This will most likely be the brand owner or the imported in case it is possible. Foreign entities selling through importers are not obligated, Foreign entities selling directly to end-users are held responsible and will need to assign an authorized representative. Exported packaging are not included in the EPR. - Full net cost recovery
Obligated producers will become responsible for the full net cost that are generated by the collection, treatment and recycling process. Currently, it is estimated that the total cost that need to be covered are around 2.7 Billion GBP. - Modulated fees
In order to charge the correct amount to the correct producer, the reporting categories will increase. Meaning that it is expected that the declaration will be more detailed. In addition, a proposal was made that the fees will be modulated. Meaning that producers placed better recyclable packaging on the market, will pay a lower fee than those who do not. - Cost effective and efficient
It is stated that the proposed EPR system will be as cost effective and efficient as the PRN system. - Communication and labelling
Proper labelling will become mandatory in case the proposal is approved. It is most likely that this is achieved by use of approved labels which are to be placed on the packaging. In addition, the communication toward the public in regard to correct handling of packaging waste will be broadcasted, and the cost will be included in the full net cost, therefore paid by the obligated producer.
EPR reporting obligations taken care of by Pincvision
Would you like to know what Pincvision can do regarding your EPR compliance obligations? Read more about our EPR reporting services. Don't hesitate to contact us when you would like to outsource your compliance obligations to our specialists! Call +31(0)88-4321800 or send an email to
Source: Wastepack
23 Jun 2021 at 10:38 am
3 min
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Published by:
Roos Mijnen
Environmental Compliance Specialist
Roos Mijnen
Environmental Compliance Specialist