“Businesses needed time to adjust to the transformation of the Chamber of Commerce, where for decades “everything” was organized in the same way. What was wrong with that? The procedure for the attestation of export documents was simple: send the documents you needed to get attested by post or pay a visit to the nearest Chamber. It sounds romantic at some point but it was not always very efficient. Three years later, we realize that our country was a pioneer by being ahead in the digital process of issuing Certificates of Origin and other trade related documents compared to other countries.”
“I have to admit, although being skeptical in the beginning, during the years my opinion definitely has changed. By serving several customers (via Pincvision and our webshop we issue thousands of documents each year. All digitally via our portal ‘Export Documents In Control’ which has a direct connection to the digital program/solution of The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce. We are in this digital stage for several years now and we no longer have the opportunity to visit the Chamber for a wet stamp and/or signature. It seems that we have completely adapted to this relatively new procedure, like we had never had another option before.”
As Pincvision we are proud to have a strong and valuable relationship with The Netherlands Chamber of Commerce.
"Despite the fact that we issue large volumes of documents on a daily basis, we hardly ever encounter insurmountable problems in the countries of destination. Of course there are always exceptions, however most of the time these incidents can be solved easily. Who could have thought ten years ago of the possibility to request documents via The Netherlands Chamber and print them on any location worldwide? We do this on a daily basis."
"The digital version of the Certificate of Origin (CO) is far more reliable than ever, as it has its own unique number placed in an International Chamber of Commerce stamp on the CO. On the ICC Verification website, CO’s can be verified. It is very promising to see that whilst in the beginning only a few Chambers were part of this framework of the ICC WCF International CO Accreditation Chain, now a number of already 12 Chambers are connected. These 12 Chambers secure that they apply to the international and widely accepted standards, based on the ICC WCF International CO Guidelines."
“Being able to verify the true- and correctness of your Certificate of Origin is what we, as Pincvision, see as a huge step forward in the Documental Supply Chain. Origin documents are required at importation. It is not an EU requirement but requested by the country of destination.”
“Delivering export documents in time, leads to shorter logistic lead-times. A document that is issued according the ICC standards as described guarantees:
- a document that is in line with the compliancy rules of your company
- problem free importing in different countries.
As an example: As multinational with multiple manufacturing points worldwide and shipping goods all over the world, it could be challenging to master a flawless global origin process.”
“Since exports are increasing again, the focus will be on the ‘Fast Growing Markets’ (Africa, Asia and the Middle East). What is important to know is that these regions most often require export documents for customs clearance. Therefore, the number of export documents will most likely keep on increasing. This makes a correct origin and documents process even more important in the future.”
We understand these challenges you are facing. Therefore, with these news articles we will gladly keep you informed about upcoming changes, developments and the relevance of Origin documents on a frequent basis. This to make sure that export documents will not be a barrier to your global trade!
If you would like to receive more information about how we can assist you with your (global) export documents process or would you like to require further information? Please contact our team by calling +31(0)88-4321800 or send an email to