In a survey conducted by recycling news website Letsrecycle, a total of 69% of 1,100 respondents have expressed their concerns on personal data security being breached and 33% have suggested they rather would like to keep hold of old electrical items as a consequence. Younger respondents (between 16-29 year old) have expressed the most concerns with 76% of the respondents being worried about the security of their private information, while only 59% of the older respondents (aged over 60) voiced it as a concern. Respondents aged between 30-44 were most likely to never delete their personal data from electronic devices before disposal.
However, results from the survey also show an increased optimistic picture regarding attitudes and behaviors. Only 21% of the respondents claim that they do not know where to recycle their unused electricals as compared to 31% in 2016. Moreover people are aware their devices can be recycled, with 17% being unaware compared to 28% in 2016.