The main reason for these questions seems to be that there are additional document requirements when exporting to Lebanon. According to the information we have received, a Certificate of Origin and Commercial Invoice legalized by the Chamber of Commerce are required. In addition to the Chamber of Commercial Legalization, the Commercial Invoice needs to be stamped by customs in the country of export.
Given the current state of affairs, this requirement had been postponed until November 1, 2019.
UPDATE 19-11-2019 - Above stated news article was posted on October 19. We herein informed you about a possible additional requirement in the field of export documents. We have been informed that Customs in Lebanon wants a Certificate of Origin and a legalized invoice for each shipment. In addition, each invoice should be stamped by Customs as well.
Eurochambres, the European Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry, has tried to withdraw this requirement and they succeeded! Both document requirements have been dissolved. This means that goods can be imported into Lebanon without legalized documents.
Source: Evofenedex