CETA will benefit European companies by getting rid of 99% of the duties (taxes) they have to pay at Canadian customs. The same will apply to Canadian businesses exporting to the EU. Most customs duties will disappear as soon as CETA comes into force. After seven years, all customs duties on industrial products will disappear.
For instance, CETA will make it easier for EU firms to bid for Canadian public contracts as well as for European professionals to work in Canada.
To benefit from Preferential tariff treatment under CETA, you will have to complete these few simple steps:
Apply for a Registered Exporter (REX) number by completing this form. Send the completed form to your national Customs Office. Address for The Netherlands:
Belastingdienst/ douane
Landelijk Oorsprong Team
Postbus 3070, 6401 DN Heerlen
You will then receive a REX number to indicate on the origin declaration that needs to be provided on the commercial document that describes the product. Verification of REX numbers is possible via the REX database
The originating product will then benefit from CETA in Canada on the basis of the origin declaration (preferential).
Please find the text below;

Preferential Origin/ Market Access Database
In order to use the invoice declaration you need to fulfill to the preferential rules of origin. The Market Access Database is an easy instrument to find out if duties are applicable for your product (per HS code) and if so, which preferential origin rules needs so be fulfilled. You will find the information needed under Tariffs. Please be prepared that the requirements for Canada might be different than other Free Trade Agreements.
Preferential Suppliers declaration (2015/2447)
As the requirements for Canada deviate, it might also affect the receiving and supplying procedure of the suppliers declarations. If a suppliers declaration is requested according the CETA Agreement, make sure that Canada (CA) is mentioned on this declaration and that the correct regulations are met.
Here you can find a link to the adjusted preferential suppliers declaration. More information regarding CETA can be found on the European Commission’s website. Here you will find the complete CETA agreement.