Internationally recognized CO-Label
The certificates of origin issued by these Chambers of Commerce now bear the ICC's internationally recognized CO label. This certified mark assures banks, businesses, customs and traders that their COs have been issued in accordance with the strictest and most harmonized certification standards, based on the ICC WCF International CO Guidelines.
ICC members
There are now 684 Chambers of Commerce, from 27 countries connected to the accreditation chain. You can find more information about the members on the ICC website.
The Netherlands has been a member since 1 January 2014. Verification of the authenticity of Certificates of Origin and documents legalized or certified by the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce and Industry can be done via the verification website of the International Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
About the Certificates of Origin Accreditation Chain
The ICC WCF International Certificate of Origin Accreditation Chain (CO Chain) was created in September 2012 based on international guidelines to which chambers can adhere on a voluntary basis. It represents ICC WCFs commitment in its push for global harmonization in the issuing process of COs. For chambers of commerce, being part of the CO Accreditation Chain helps reinforce and promote their central role as trade and services facilitators.
Pincvision for your Certificates of Origin and other Export Documents
Get in touch with us if you would like to know how we can assist you with your (global) export documents process. Call +31(0)88-4321800 or send an email to Would you first like to read more information about our Export Documents service? Visit the service pages on our website here.
Marieke Menkveld-Theijssen
Sr. Export Documentation Agent