One of the key issues lies in gathering structured data from customs brokers. When it comes to international couriers, creating structured arrangements for customs data can seem almost impossible. However, from a risk management perspective, it's crucial to stay in control of the customs declarations made on your behalf. This responsibility becomes even more critical if you, as an importer or exporter, are operating under direct customs representation. As a responsible customs compliance manager, you remain accountable for ensuring that your company’s customs activities are compliant.
This need for control is particularly important if you hold Authorized Economic Operator (AEO) status. With AEO status, having a solid control framework for customs and tax compliance is not only good practice—it’s a requirement.
But where do you begin when you feel you have no visibility or control over your customs processes?
The best approach is to start by linking your customs documentation and broker instructions to each customs declaration. Gather all relevant data and information in one centralized system. Once the data is consolidated, you can implement an audit trail, set up a spot-check process, and begin analyzing the data systematically. Ideally, this data can then be loaded into a dashboard, providing a visual overview and highlighting any outliers or potential savings opportunities.
There are many ways to structure and optimize your customs brokerage management, but the foundation of all these strategies is data. Without accurate, consolidated data, you have no control over your customs processes—and therefore, no ability to mitigate risks or uncover savings.
Taking control of your customs brokerage begins with the basics: centralizing your data and creating a framework for monitoring and compliance.
By doing so, you can ensure that your company is not only meeting its customs compliance obligations but also optimizing its operations for long-term success.
Peter Italiaander
Head of Customs & Trade Affairs