In the beginning of each year, the country-specific thresholds and deadlines for submitting are announced by the statistical authorities of each Member State.
Overview of Intrastat thresholds and deadlines for 2022
Our specialists have once again made a practical overview for 2022 of all Intrastat threshold values and deadlines per EU Member State. This overview can be found in our whitepaper. Several countries have changed their thresholds compared to 2021. We have marked all changes compared to last year in blue in the overview. Would you like to know if your company is reaching a threshold in a certain country? Download the whitepaper and discover it immediately! All thresholds are verified by the statistical offices of the EU Member States.

Intrastat United Kingdom 2022
As of 2022, movements between Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) and the EU will no longer be covered by Intrastat. Be aware! Intrastat will still apply for movements of goods between Northern Ireland (NI) and the European Union (EU). Read more about this topic in my previous article: Intrastat thresholds Northern Ireland 2022.
What is Intrastat and when are you obliged to submit Intrastat declarations?
Intrastat is an EU system, used by all Member States, to mutually exchange information about trade of goods within the EU.
When the annual value of the import or export of goods exceeds a certain amount (the threshold), your company is obliged to submit a statistical declaration. You do this at the statistical office of the exporting country and in the importing country. If your business exceeds the threshold in a country, Intrastat returns for this country should be submitted on a monthly basis for the entire year. This means also that if no goods are shipped during a month, still a (nill) return should be submitted. Most countries will inform you when your obligation to submit Intrastat declarations starts based on your VAT returns. But it is also important that you monitor this yourself.
Would you rather not have to worry about your Intrastat obligations?
Outsource it to the Pincvision specialists. We take the entire process off your hands and ensure that you are and remain compliant. We also take over the responsibility of answering Intrastat-related questions from all Intrastat authorities in Europe and we reconcile your Intrastat data with your VAT data to make sure it’s fully aligned. Sounds good doesn't it? Fill in the form below and we will contact you shortly to tell you about the possibilities for your organization!
Lisa Terberg-Widdershoven
Intrastat Compliance Specialist

Fill in the form and we will get in touch with you on short notice.
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