
Blog: Be aware! New Trade Compliance challenges are coming up

The volume of goods exports in June 2021 was 12.3% higher than in the same month last year. This means that we are currently in a period of strong growth which puts us in an economic boom. According to the CBS, producer confidence as well as consumer confidence is improving. There are significantly less bankruptcies and the production in the industry in June was at its highest level ever. So everything is going very well, much better than we all dared to imagine one year ago.

New challenges

But.. obviously these developments also result in all kinds of new challenges. The tension on the labor market is increasing and, at the time of writing, for the first time in 50 years there are more vacancies than unemployed citizens in the Netherlands. It is a tough job for companies to achieve their objectives with far fewer people and far more work. It should be clear that we all face an enormous and complex challenge in the coming years to meet all our obligations.

Increasing demand for raw materials and qualified personnel

Raw materials! That is where the challenge seems to be greatest. The demand for steel, plastics, wood and paper for packaging seems to be increasing. Shortages are growing which results in longer delivery times and price increases. So all the good news regarding the first half of the year notwithstanding, many companies are struggling with uncertainties and face a certain amount of risk. It is now important to keep focused and monitor the results closely. In short, international trade is facing quite a few challenges. Besides, given the rapid growth of the industry, finding qualified personnel is going to be very difficult.

Reconsider your business strategies due to IT complexity and the new way of working

Meanwhile, automation continues at a rapid pace with Big Data playing a major role. IT complexity is increasing, and at the same time supply chain improvements are expected. The customer needs to see improvements through a digital connection that also needs to be extremely secure.

Finally, due to the corona pandemic your company needed to take a good look at its existing business strategies, didn't it? The new way of working requires smart solutions so that your employees can do their work in the comfort of their own homes. This is expected of every company these days to keep employees happy.

Let Pincvision take your worries off your hands!

All these challenges take up a lot of time. To make it easier for you, Pincvision can be of your assistance. We are happy to support you in Trade Compliance areas in which you do not have sufficient in-house knowledge. For example, the legislation that is required in the areas of reporting obligations, export documents, customs and trade issues and the monitoring of your legal requirements are in safe and good hands with us, allowing you to focus on your core business.

Want to know more about what we can do for you? Please contact us at info@pincvision.com or call +31(0)88-4321800. Carefree doing business all over the world? Pincvision is ready for you!

How do you cope with all the challenges you face as an international company?

19 Aug 2021 at 11:42 am
3 min
Published by:
Rob Holtslag
CCO (Chief Commercial Officer)
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