That last comment 'in the future” is especially important for my role as CIO. What are the developments on the side of our customers? What are the expected new legislations and regulations that will have an impact on our current activities? And of course the technological developments. Which trends can be distilled from this and how can Pincvision anticipate this?
More and more data
A number of trends stand out. In addition to connecting more customers, we see that the amount of data per customer is growing significantly. European governments and authorities want to have more and more details reported and that simply requires more data. A good example of this are the EPR packaging obligations in the field of plastics. In addition to the kilos and types of plastic, more and more information has to be reported and what percentage of it is recyclable. Another trend from legislation is that a number of types of declarations are moving from periodic to 'near real-time'. This will place different demands on the data platform and the traditional data warehouse architectures as we know them today.
Within Pincvision we use a central data platform based on well-known data warehouse concepts. For those in the know: these include staging areas, data vault and cubes based on Microsoft technology. The platform has been running for a number of years and at the moment this platform is still fine. We do see that due to the growth and the demand for more up-to-date data, we have to put in more effort to keep our performance at the right level.
Innovation to deliver real-time insights
Based on the trends mentioned above and the technological developments in the market, we will redesign our data platform in 2022 with specialized 'In-Memory Computing Technology'.
Without getting too technical, In-Memory Computing offers blazing-fast performance and scalability over massive amounts of data. In addition, it simplifies access to an increasing number of data sources. By storing data in memory and processing it in parallel, it provides real-time insights that enable our colleagues to deliver immediate actions and responses.
In this way, we anticipate the constant increase of available data and the endless demand for better and faster performance. As soon as the new data platform is operational and the first results are known, I will come back to this in a next blog.
How does your organization deal with the growth of data?
Edwin Kampshoff
CIO (Chief Information Officer)