Change in Belgian Intrastat Declaration tool OneGate

Does your company have Intrastat obligations in Belgium? Be aware, changes in the Intrastat declaration process are coming!

It is still a while away, but for companies that are required to file Intrastat declarations in Belgium, it is already interesting to know that a change is coming to the Belgian declaration tool OneGate. As of January 2024, access to the Belgian declaration tool OneGate with a username and password will be replaced by access via CSAM (if you have a Belgian identity card) or an electronic certificate.

OneGate recognizes Electronic Certificates from Globalsign, Isabel & Quo Vadis. These are the same certificates accepted in E-Government applications such as Intervat, Finprof, Dimona, DMFA and DRS.

Make sure you obtain one of these certificates
in advance so that you are well prepared when the change is implemented. This will ensure that you can continue filing without worrying of having access or not. Would you rather not have to worry about your Intrastat obligations at all? Pincvision is happy to help you with reporting your Intrastat obligations. Contact us if you want to know how we can help you.

30 May 2023 at 10:53 am
2 min
Published by:
Lisa Terberg-Widdershoven
Intrastat Compliance Specialist
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